Matthew 10:27 “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” We thank our Lord Jesus for every time and for every location that we are able to freely proclaim His truths… But, some places are a little extra cool! On Sept. 8th …
Category: Press
Star Search 2018 Results

Since 1984, Star Search has been a staple event for the USA Eastern Territory. After a year at the Westchester center, the 34th Star Search was back in Hershey, PA at the Hershey Lodge. This program has been successful in providing motivation for young people to work hard in their chosen fields of artistic endeavor. …
P & W Horn Charts

P&W Horn Charts Here are some horn charts that we have compiled over the last few years. These were arranged by various composers for various different bands and events. Use at your own risk! NOTE: Spend some time figuring out the road map before you hand these to your brass players. [button link=”″ linktarget=”_blank” color=”orange” …
Practice Tips 2.0

I. How to Properly Warm Up Breathing Exercises – the continuous movement of air in and air out Mouthpiece Buzzing – this should be done with a tuner or a keyboard Long Tones with Instrument – questions to think about while playing long tones: * Am I playing with a beautiful sound? * …
Unbound Japan Tour Report

By Kathryn Higgins I’d consider myself a well-travelled person. I’ve lived in three countries, backpacked through Europe and scoped out several Mediterranean hot-spots… and nothing in my experience can compare to the cultural uniqueness of Japan. Fish. All foods have a fish-quality in texture and taste. People openly smoke in restaurants. They have three alphabets, …
SA Bandsman talks to Fred Mbesi

Used by permission from SA Bandsman – Issue 84, May 2018. For subscriptions visit
Visit of Neosa Brass and Chorus to Pendel Division

Visit of Neosa Brass and Chorus to the Pendel Division, April 6-8, 2018 After an evening of rehearsals Thursday night, NEOSA Brass and Chorus boarded their coach Friday morning heading east to the Pendel Division for a weekend of music-making and fellowship. The first stop of the weekend was the Lock Haven, PA Corps. After …
PRVI Star Search 2018 Report

Puerto Rican Salvationists are the best! They are lively, energetic, talented and resilient. Music and Arts programs around the island were put on hold while Salvationists from all around P.R. helped with the recovery effort after the devastating affects of hurricane Maria. It wasn’t until mid January where some programs became to resume. But this …
Unbound Worship Resource 1

UNBOUND Worship This is the first installment of a series of worship videos by the USA EAST Music Dept. & SACONNECTS designed to aid worship services without live music. The set consists of 3 worship songs –Lord I Lift Your Name On High, How Great Is Our God and Here I Am To Worship. Join …
Practice Tips 1.0

INTRODUCTION Practicing can be one of the hardest things to find time for in today’s world. We get so busy with day-to-day stuff that we often push this activity aside or just simply don’t do it all together. But it can also be one of the best and most rewarding things in our life when …